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Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure Page 3

  “Sorry,” he murmured. “I should have asked first if I could kiss you.” Then he kissed her again. His arm around her waist, he turned her, the rope twisting until she was facing him. His chest was as hard as his lips were soft, and her breasts yielded even in the form-imposing bra. His hand drifted down to her bottom and held her tight. She could feel the hardness of his cock against her belly. She parted her legs to let his thigh between them.

  “You’re a hot kisser,” he told her.

  “You’re kinda on fire yourself,” she said.

  “Your pussy is very wet.”

  Tell me something I don’t know. But she blushed and said nothing.

  “Remember your safe word.”

  She nodded. Why was he reminding her of that now?

  He slipped his hands underneath her top. They felt cool on her sides. Then he slowly peeled the top upward, and she understood. I can stop him if I want to. But I don’t want to.

  He kept lifting, exposing her lacy lilac push-up bra, and then all of her breasts it didn’t cover. He sped up as he lifted it over her head, blinding her for only a moment, and then he had it up to her elbows. Her bound wrists stopped it from going farther.

  He moved her elbows apart, so that it wouldn’t fall back down again. “Good girl. Beautiful girl. You have lovely breasts.” His fingers traced a path down her arms, across her chest, and then finally over the swells of her bosom. He kissed down her neck and into her cleavage. She didn’t say a word. He bent lower and sucked one hardening nipple through the fabric. She moaned.

  With his head out of the way, she became aware of the room again. Valerie was watching her. Other people glanced her way, although their gazes seldom lingered. They could see what he was doing to her. Even if he pulled back now, the wet spot on her bra where he’d sucked would be visible. She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to hold him close, but she couldn’t do that either because she was bound. Helpless. It was a delicious feeling, strangely freeing. Whatever happened from this point forward, it wasn’t her fault.

  He stroked her thigh, lifting her skirt enough to glide along the naked flesh unimpeded. Her pussy tingled at the thought of his hand so tantalizingly close. She felt like she was going mad. The others in the room drifted in and out of her awareness—one moment there was only him and his touch, and the next the whole room of potential voyeurs was in focus.

  He kissed his way up her chest, and his lips brushed hers. His breath was hot on her cheek. “You like it,” he said. It wasn’t a question. She knew it was obvious, but the words made her blush.

  He gripped the waistband of her thong.

  “No,” she said, because she felt she ought to.

  He smiled. “That’s not a safe word, treasure.”

  He paused for a moment, not pulling, his eyes staring into hers from inches away. Giving her a chance. When she didn’t speak, he tugged her panties down, yanking them down her thighs until they were over her knees, and then letting them go. She could stop them from falling by spreading her legs, but she’d look even more foolish with them above her calves. She had to cooperate. Not having a choice was freeing. As they reached her ankles, she sidestepped one leg out of them. She’d have to kick to get it off her other leg, she decided, and the last thing she wanted to do was to send her thong flying across the room.

  “You liked that too.”

  “All these people are watching!” she protested.

  “And that bothers you.”

  “Of course it does!”

  “But it also turns you on.”


  Liar said his smile. His hand slid along her thigh again. “Part your legs.”

  “Why?” she asked, even though it was obvious enough.

  “So I can feel your pussy.”

  “Everyone will know.”

  “Everyone already knows.”

  She shook her head. She knew he was right. Knew that it excited her and knew that it shouldn’t. She wasn’t like Valerie. Just because she wanted some kinky fun didn’t mean she wanted to be exposed. Except that she did.

  It was so confusing.

  “You’re going to do what I ask, you know,” he told her.

  She made a face. How maddening he was! Didn’t he know that was going to make her more stubborn?

  “And it’s going to turn me on when you do,” he said. He caressed up the outside of her thighs, lifting her skirt as he came to her hips. She thought the middle still hung down enough to keep her decent. He pressed his body against hers, and she could feel the truth of what he said. He was hard. And big. She blushed.

  She wanted him inside her. Would he fuck her in public? He could. She’d seen other couples going at it, although most retired to their rooms. There was a table thirty feet away with a variety of condoms and little packs of lube arrayed like hors d’oeuvres. He wouldn’t need the lube.

  He slid his hand sideways, then pushed his fingers inside her pussy. They slid in easily. She was very wet. She spread her legs wider and then realized they had to have been already open when he’d entered her. She must have moved them without thinking when she was fantasizing about him fucking her.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Him being in control tantalized her. She wanted him to push her, as long as he didn’t push too far.

  “Whatever I like.” He kissed her cheek. “You’re so wet. Aching to be filled. But we have more playing to do.” He slipped his fingers out of her, and she pouted at the sudden emptiness. She felt her skirt flutter down onto her thighs. She wasn’t sure how high it had gotten, but his body shielded her from view, in any case.

  And that’s a good thing, isn’t it? She was relieved she held on to at least that much modesty. Then he unsnapped her bra in the back and pulled the cups away from her breasts. He lifted her bra up and over her head and then tucked it between the back of her head and the post. Cupping her breasts, he teased her rock-hard peaks with the sides of his thumbs.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Because I wanted to. Wanted to feel. Wanted to see.” He let go and took a step back. “They are beautiful, Emma. As are you.”

  She blushed. Without his body close, everyone could see. But his gaze was what she was most aware of: roving her body but gravitating to her chest. She thought of slouching for a moment, to show that she wasn’t willingly making a display of herself, but the shirt around her forearms started to slip, and she realized that she’d look foolish if it fell. It was one thing to have him staring at her tits, but another to look foolish. With her hands bound at the top of the post, she arched her back, lifting her breasts for display. She held her position, her cheeks burning.

  “Absolutely beautiful.” He knelt down to get something from his bag. With his head out of the way, she caught another glimpse of Valerie, who cupped her own breasts, winked, and then gave her two thumbs-up.

  Oh my God. That I would never do. She’s trying to make me blush. Nothing would ever make Valerie blush.

  Emma looked down, not wanting eye contact with Valerie anymore. She wanted to focus on Diego. He was pulling a silver chain from his bag, with two delicate-looking tweezers on each end. Clamps. She knew where they were going, and her nipples ached in anticipation.

  He straightened. He touched the tweezers to her breasts. The metal was cold, and she jumped. He chuckled.


  “L’il bit,” he admitted with an unapologetic grin. Clamps in hand, he stroked the sides of her breasts, the softness of his hands contrasting with the metal that touched here and there. “It’s that line that’s the most interesting, isn’t it? Right where it both feels good and yet almost too much. Where you feel like yelling no, but you won’t safe word because it feels too good to stop. That’s how I want you to feel.”

  Oh. He was doing pretty well then because she was all kinds of turned on, and yet she wanted to hide under a blanket. That wasn’t an option, though. She couldn’t even run. She pulled on her bonds to make sure and felt the rope chaf
e her skin. In a strange way the secure rope was as reassuring as a blanket. It was not, unfortunately, as covering.

  He slipped the bar back on one of the tweezer clamps, then pressed it so that the rubber-tipped tongs surrounded her nipple. Slowly he slid the bar back down, tightening it. It touched, then squeezed, then pinched, until she thought she couldn’t bear it any tighter. He stopped and moved to the other side. She breathed deeply, feeling the pull as he stretched the chain. The pull felt good. The pinching didn’t. But the pinching feeling was fading, becoming more bearable. At least until the clamp tightened around her other nipple.

  She looked down. A silver chain swung between her breasts, then came to rest against her belly. It was cold, and she arched her back so that it wouldn’t touch. She caught Diego watching and saw that he was pleased. She arched her back a little more. She wanted to please him. She wanted to drive him crazy, as out of control as she was feeling. To have his cock ache so much he couldn’t think of anything but fucking her.

  She wiggled and made the chain swing. It tugged, but it was worth it. He obviously loved it. She glanced down. Yep, he was definitely still hard.

  He hooked the chain with his right index finger, stilling it. Then he pulled. Her eyes widened as her nipples stretched, and she gasped.

  “Right at that edge,” he said, holding it in place. “Between pain and pleasure. I love the way your breasts stretch to hold this position. How does it feel, Emma?”

  “Intense.” She tried to say it calmly, but it came out with a shudder.

  “It looks intense.” He slipped his hand under her skirt again and slid a couple of fingers into her molten pussy. It was all she could do not to move her hips in response, but that would look far too slutty. As if being tied topless to a post in the middle of a room while he pulled on a chain between her breasts didn’t.

  “Every time you’re reminded that you’re putting on a show, your breath gets faster. Did you know that?” He grinned at her.

  “No,” she lied.

  “I’d tell you to hike up your skirt for me, but alas, you’re all tied up, aren’t you?”

  Her cheeks burned. “I wouldn’t do it.”

  “Yes, you would. Too bad my hands are busy.” He moved his finger along the chain, increasing the pull on one breast and then the other. He pushed his fingers back and forth inside her with the same slow rhythm, his thumb bumping into her clit and sending shudders through her with every inward thrust. He fixed his unwavering gaze on her eyes. She snapped her eyelids shut, avoiding it. But that only made her more aware of the sensations. The pulling and pinching on her breasts seemed to tug something deep in her core.

  Her fantasy of him losing control seemed ludicrous now. He was totally in control. And she wasn’t.

  She felt herself move toward the edge, knowing she’d be unable to hide her orgasm when it came. She tried to pretend the people weren’t there, hoping that would either make it okay or calm her down so she could resist, but it wasn’t working.

  “Open your eyes,” he ordered.

  She shook her head and kept them closed.

  “I said open them,” he said. Suddenly her pussy was empty, and he delivered a stinging slap to her thigh. Enraged and frustrated, she glared at him.

  “Good girl.” He thrust his fingers into her pussy, curling them inside her while his thumb rubbed her clit. She cried out as the tension that had been building inside her found its explosive release. Her toes curled, and she pulled so hard on the post that her feet lifted up off the platform. The way her pussy squeezed his fingers it was a wonder they didn’t break. His face got blurry, and the room faded for a moment, then reemerged in startling focus.

  “Wow, she came like a rocket,” she heard a man say.

  “He always gets the best out of his subs,” said a woman.

  Oh my God. She heard the words but refused to process them. Her body kept shuddering, centering on the fingers in her pussy. He let go of the chain and wrapped an arm around her, holding her close. She felt a tear roll down her face, even though she wasn’t certain what emotion prompted it exactly. Embarrassment, pleasure, pain, comfort, and amazement all swished around in her head, refusing to find an order.

  He kissed her. His tongue felt warm and wet, and she met it with hers. Normally, she’d have been embarrassed to french in public, but right then and there, it was calming.

  It’s okay, what we did. He loves me. See?

  Although of course he doesn’t. Not really.

  They kissed until she had to stop for breath.

  “This will hurt,” he said. “I’m sorry. But it will get better.”

  What would hurt? It was his turn for pleasure, and if he got that from giving her pain, she’d try to take it. But right now she wanted a cuddle.

  He pulled back the bar on the tweezer clamp on her left nipple, and blood and sensation flooded back into it. “Ikes!”

  He smiled. “If you’re quiet, fewer people will watch.”

  She clamped her mouth shut. He was right that the thought of being seen had turned her on. Now, however, she’d rather everyone turned away. He slipped the second clamp off and put it and the chain in his pocket. She ground her teeth rather than cry out again. The clamps hurt worse coming off than going on.

  He bent down and kissed one burning peak and then the other. That seemed to cool them a little. He was right. It did get better.

  He untied her wrists and then lifted her off the platform. Cradling her in two strong arms, he kicked his bag and sent it skidding toward a comfy chair not too far away. He carried her to it and sat down. He held her on his lap.

  “You’re beautiful,” he told her. “Absolutely beautiful. There’s no shame in liking what you like.”

  “There’s a lot of shame in liking what I like,” she retorted, thinking how her cheeks had burned when she thought about everyone watching. She immediately regretted it. It was practically an admission that she got off on being watched, although she supposed there were other ways to read it. Still, she had a feeling he knew exactly what she meant.

  “Not shame,” he said. “Embarrassment, perhaps.” He kissed her cheeks. “Making you blush is as much fun as reddening your ass.”

  “Did you?”

  “Did I?”

  “Make my…backside…red?”

  “I don’t think I’ll answer that. After what we did, such delicate language is out of place, don’t you think?” His eyes glittered.

  Dammit. “Ass. Did you make my ass red?”

  He kissed her cheek again. “You’re so cute. Delightful. A rosy shade of pink.”

  “Oh.” She found that slightly disappointing.

  “Not as red as your face.”

  She gritted her teeth and glared at him, but all he did was laugh.

  “There are lots of other people to watch,” she said.

  “Uh-huh.” His agreement didn’t sound sincere.

  “We were in a dark corner of the room.”

  “We were,” he agreed. “And I don’t think you were the center of attention.”

  She smiled and stuck out her jaw. “Exactly.”

  “Until you screamed. Did you know you screamed when you came? Do you always do that?”

  She’d been trying to forget. As far as she knew she’d never done it before. No sense in telling him that. It would go straight to his head. “No, I don’t always do that. Anyway, how do you know they were all looking? Were you looking around to see what kind of an audience you had?”

  He chuckled. “I was focused on you the entire time, which is where I like to focus, thank you very much.” He cupped her breast and caressed it softly. She had forgotten how exposed she was. She pulled her shirt down. He shoved it back up. Their eyes locked for a moment, and then she sighed and relaxed.

  He kissed her cheek. “I have some experience in places like this. I know what gets people’s attention. People look when they hear a shout or a scream because they want to make sure everyone is okay. It’s instinctive. T
hen they keep watching because they want to know what made it happen.”

  Valerie would care what happened to her, for sure. Emma didn’t want to tear her attention away from Diego, but she sneaked a look around anyway. She didn’t spot Valerie, or Sue or Keith for that matter, but maybe they were lost in the crowd. She didn’t want to take time for a thorough search. She turned back to Diego, whose eyebrows were raised. Clearly he noticed. He seemed to notice everything, which was part of the problem. He’d been spot on about her reactions—although his clever fingers had a lot to do with them too. She looked at him, trying to figure him out. He looked back. The silence went on, and it wasn’t uncomfortable because she realized he was doing the exact same thing she was. It was better than making small talk. Hi, we just fucked, and by the way, how’s the weather? Although they hadn’t really fucked. What had happened felt even more intimate than that.

  But maybe he expected some kind of conversation.

  She opened her mouth, not sure what she was going to say, trying to think of something that didn’t sound lame. “That was nice.” So much for not lame. “I mean, more than nice. I mean—”

  He kissed her, stopping her, and then smiled at her. “You don’t have to say anything, Emma. It’s okay to take time to try to absorb it all. First times can be overwhelming.”

  She shifted in his lap, feeling less awkward. She became aware of his hardness again and did something she never thought she’d do in public. She slipped her hand down to give it a squeeze. “Sure we shouldn’t do something about this?”

  “Oh, we most definitely should. But not here.”

  “Not here?” Why was she disappointed? The idea of making him come in public made her pussy tingle.

  The rooms at Bondage Ranch were for two. That was great if you were a couple, but the singles ended up bunking together. She was with Valerie, and she wanted to avoid Valerie walking in on them. “Your room?” Of course, he was with someone too. Could be anyone. That wasn’t any better.

  “I’m staying in town. So it would have to be yours.”

  She took a deep breath. She’d come this far. “Fine. Let’s go.”

  He pulled her shirt down and lifted her off his lap. She debated straightening her bra out too. She felt silly walking around with it unsnapped, but it was unlikely to stay on long. Her panties, however, were missing. She saw them a few feet from the chair. They must have slipped off her ankle. She took a step and bent over to get them. Ho-hum, nothing to see here. She glanced back at him. He was smiling and watching. He hadn’t moved from his chair.